Kapital: Sparks of Revolution

by 1C Entertainment for Windows 8.1

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Build and run your town in this sim game

Kapital: Sparks of Revolution is a sandbox economic simulation game developed by Lapovich Team. This free-to-play game puts you in charge of a town. Your goal is to run it and maintain all essential services to keep your people happy and healthy.

Kapital: Sparks of Revolution works like any city builder game. Only this time, you work with limited resources to make your people happy. Unlike in games, such as Cities: Skylines, your people will not only leave the city when you fail. They will actually turn up in your office with torches and a portable guillotine. 

What is Kapital: Sparks of Revolution?

Kapital: Sparks of Revolution is the newest addition to the town simulation genre. Like other sandbox simulations, it aims to replicate the class struggle and the growth of a fledgling city. Here, you take charge of the building and managing the city. Your job is to keep the people in your town happy and healthy. Although, unlike other games, your primary focus is the social aspect of civilization.

Your society is split into three primary classes. The upper class, or nobles, are given high-level jobs, while the middle classes pay taxes. Finally, there is the lower class, which pretty much lives on the street. You have to do whatever you can to keep all the classes happy. However, as mentioned, you have limited resources. Furthermore, your town will have threats, such as epidemics, accidents, sabotages, and hostage situations.

To make it more challenging, as the game progresses, civil unrest may take place. Your people will march to your office with torches, and violence will ensue. You, however, can take action first and crush their demands for better living standards. However, this premise may make some players find the game highly unethical. Moreover, the violence in it makes it not suitable for younger players.

A new way to run a city

Overall, Kapital: Sparks of Revolution brings something new to the city-building genre. This game challenges you to take a war-torn city and make it flourish. However, it does not focus on building new structures but on keeping your people happy. Also, it can get a little violent as your people take up arms when they disagree with the living standards you set up for them.