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A free Google Chrome racing theme that displays HD images

Racing is a Chrome extension that generates a racing theme for your Google Chrome browser. Car race related images are printed onto your Google Chrome web browser in full HD, and the usual colours that Google Chrome browsers have will change too, such as turning your browser outline to a navy blue colour.

Full HD images that are multi-device compatible

Racing is a Chrome extension that changes the theme of your web browser. It adds race related images and it changes a few of your web browser’s colours too. It doesn’t do much else, but it is free, so it is hard to complain. The images promote different websites, which is a little annoying, but it is easily forgiven. The images are full HD, and they work on large PC screens as well as on compatible mobile devices. Its colours are vivid without being too bold, and the photographic captures are professional looking.

They make a nice change from time to time

The images that Racing generates and the theme it adds to your Chrome browser make a nice change from the usual way that the Google Chrome browser looks. However, over time, even the new images become a little dull and users may yearn for a change. A little more variety with the theme images, or maybe more theme images may have been better. Nevertheless, car and race enthusiasts may enjoy the theme changes for a while.