Choo Choo Charles Horror Train

by Piccaso Games for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Piccaso Games.

Are you ready for the Choo Choo Charles horror game? If you’re ready then this is your favorite horror game. You can play this scary game with your friends or family and if you don’t have any friends then you can play with the AI.

This is a free horror game for Android devices.


The first thing you need to know about this horror game is that you’re going to have to move. The monsters are always hot on your heels and if you don’t move quickly enough they’ll attack you. 

So you need to be on your toes and move as quickly as you can. If you’re spotted by one of the monsters you’ll have to start running to get away from them. 

The game is designed to keep you constantly on the move, with the monsters always hot on your heels. You need to be alert and careful not to run into any of the monsters or you’ll lose the game. You’ll have to use your wits and quick reflexes to avoid the monsters and stay alive.