WebSecurity for mac

by ATIdeveloper for

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WebSecurity for Mac: A Chrome Extension for Web Content Monitoring and Blocking

WebSecurity is a Google Chrome extension developed by ATIdeveloper. It is designed to work in conjunction with Awareness Technologies user productivity monitoring software package to monitor and block access to web content in the Chrome browser. This extension is specifically installed by the Administrator of the computer to ensure that web browsing follows the policies set in place for the Awareness Technologies software.

With WebSecurity, users can expect a secure browsing experience, as the extension actively monitors and blocks access to websites that are deemed inappropriate or against the policies set by the Administrator. When a blocked website is reached, the extension displays a notification, alerting the user about the restricted access.

WebSecurity is a valuable tool for organizations and institutions that prioritize web content monitoring and blocking. By seamlessly integrating with the Awareness Technologies software, it provides an additional layer of security and control over web browsing activities.