Hide N Seek at Grandma House

by Panther Game for Android 13.0

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Hide N Seek at Grandma House

Hide N Seek at Grandma House is an action game available on the Android platform. Developed by Panther Game, this free game is set in a house where players must clean up the mess before Grandma returns home. Failure to do so will result in unimaginable punishment. Additionally, players must also watch out for an infant who is running fast and hiding in various places. The objective is to find all the hiding spots before the sun goes down.

To play the game, players can choose to either become the Daddy character and catch the hiding infant, or become the infant and hide from Daddy. It is crucial to run away from Daddy to avoid being caught. Players must thoroughly search every room in the house to locate the missing infant.

Hide N Seek at Grandma House features multiple characters, including Mom, Dad, and Brother. The game boasts stunning graphics and provides smooth control for an immersive experience.

With Grandma due to arrive home at any moment, it’s time to start the search. Download Hide N Seek at Grandma House now and prove your skills in finding all the hidden spots.