HOOKED – Chat Stories

by Telepathic for Android 9.0

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Bespoke smartphone app to read thrilling and engaging stories

HOOKED – Chat Stories is a mobile phone application that is unique in the fact that its content is primarily sourced with writing from other users. However, these stories are presented in a format to mimic typical smartphone chat. This provides them with a truly eerie feel and many cliffhangers are only moments away. Such an application can be great for sleepovers and indeed any time when users want to be frightened by chilling stories.

Main Functions and Applications

In order to read the content found within HOOKED – Chat Stories, the user will simply scroll through the list of categories and choose the title (or topic) which best suites his or her needs. The file will then open up and present itself as if it were an SMS correspondence. In other words, it is fashioned in such a way as to make it appear that the user is scrolling through someone else’s chat history.

Other Features

One benefit associated with HOOKED – Chat Stories is that the files themselves are not overly long. So, readers can normally browse through a number of stories during any given session. The majority of content found within this mobile application can be viewed at no charge.