Sine Mora EX

by THQ Nordic for Windows 11

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Sine Mora EX – A Dieselpunk Shoot ’em Up Game

Sine Mora EX is a shoot ‘em up game developed by THQ Nordic that takes place on the planet Seol. The game is set in a dieselpunk-inspired world, where the player controls an aircraft with an upgradeable main weapon and a limited-use secondary weapon. The game features two different storylines, both of which take place on Seol, a planet with an unstable crust that causes constant earthquakes.

In the first story, the player takes on the role of a father who seeks revenge on the Empire for executing his son, a bomber pilot who refused to drop a nuclear bomb during the Enkies attack. The second story revolves around the last survivors of the Enkie race, who also plan to take revenge on the Empire for their destruction. The Enkie race has the ability to manipulate time, while the Empire is developing a machine that can accelerate the individual time of any object or living being to erase it as soon as possible.