Happy hospital – doctor games APK

by BonBonGame.com for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by BonBonGame.com.

Happy Hospital – Doctor Games is a great game for kids. It is a fun game that will help your kids develop important skills such as attention to detail, patience, and good clinical judgment.

It is a game that will teach your kids how to treat different health issues. They will learn to diagnose patients and will get to treat broken bones, eye infections, nose problems, ear problems, and teeth problems. They will learn to fix patients’ teeth, heal their eyes, cure their ears, and treat their nose problems.

Your kids will play as a doctor and will treat patients at the hospital. They will have to make sure that the patients are healthy and have no diseases. They will have to check their eyes, ears, nose, and teeth. They will be able to check for broken bones and will have to fix them.