ভম উননয়ন কর

by Mysoftheaven BD Ltd. for Android 13.0

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ভম উননয়ন কর – Digitize Land Development for Easy Public Service Access

ভম উননয়ন কর, developed by Mysoftheaven BD Ltd., is a free Android application that aims to digitize land management in Bangladesh, making it easier for the public to access government services. With the vision of achieving “Digital Bangladesh 2021,” the Ministry of Land and the Land Reform Board are working tirelessly to provide land-related services to the people efficiently, cost-effectively, and without any hassle.

Currently, there are 3,462 union land offices under the supervision of 511 upazila land offices, responsible for the development of approximately 5 crore holdings, amounting to around 606 crore taka. The app enables the collection of land development taxes digitally, replacing the traditional methods in order to provide the best possible service to the approximately 3 crore 60 lakh land service recipients.