Ayra Digital Library APK

by Swamy Publishers P Ltd for Android 13.0

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Ayra Digital Library – App Review

Ayra Digital Library is a mobile software application developed for use on Android devices. It is a mobile library of publications from Swamy Publishers, a private publishing house of Central Government literature, serving the community of Central Government Staff and Offices in India for over 65 years. The app aims to provide easy access to the latest updates and information to its readers.

The app is user-friendly with formatted text as it appears in the books, classified content under familiar subjects, and easy navigation within the content. It offers Office Memorandums, Case-laws, and Readers’ Forum under all subjects, including Seventh Central Pay Commission (7th CPC). The app also includes cross-references from the latest order to its history. Paid subscribers can access special features such as MCQs, over 2600, with Learn and Quiz features to prepare confidently for Departmental Examinations.

The Ayra Digital Library app is a useful tool for Central Government Staff and Offices. It provides easy access to the latest updates, rules, and acts, and is a convenient way to carry publications in your pocket. The app is available for free download on Google Play Store.