Weapons On Back Mod

by SLAT3R for Windows 10

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Using Weapons On Back In Skyrim

With the new weapons system of The Elder Scrolls: Hearthfire, players may now choose to add weapons to their characters that can be both dual-wielded and used on the ground. These type of mods are called weapons on back mods, and they allow a player to transform their character into someone who has a lot more flexibility in combat. We took some time to see what sorts of weapons on back mods can be, and how they work.

There are two kinds of weapons that can be added to a character during a download standalone NIO installation – equipping overhauls and adding new weapons. For example, if you wanted to become a warrior with a dual sheath instead of just equipping one, you could do this by downloading one of the many weapon overhauls that are available for download. Once you have downloaded the mod, it will be placed into your in-game folder. At any time, you can activate the mod – or in some cases, deactivate it – by visiting the Workshop section of the game’s main menu. If you then activate a new mod that changes the same weapon, it will replace the current one with the new one.

However, if you want to change the way that your character fights by equipping an enchanted or powerful weapon, then you will need to either go into the game and manually edit the values that determine how these weapons work or use a program like the SLAT4NIFiler that makes the process a lot simpler. The SLAT4NIFiler program is designed specifically to make changes to the leveled lists and equipments of the game, and as such, can be used with almost any mod, including ones designed to make changes to weapons on back. It works very well with the new items and equipments system that The Elder Scrolls: Hearthfire features, and can make for some interesting changes to the way that your character fights.