Beat Mosquito

by WayFit for Android 13.0

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Experience the Feeling of Being Bitten by Mosquitoes with Beat Mosquito

Beat Mosquito is a 3D game that is available on Android and is free to download. The game is developed by WayFit and falls under the category of Games. The game has a unique concept that allows players to experience the feeling of being bitten by mosquitoes.

The game has 3 levels, each with varying difficulties. The first level is called Mosquito Normal, which is the easiest level and can be played by anyone. The second level is called Anopheles Mosquito, which is a bit harder than the first level. Anopheles mosquitoes are parasites that cause malaria in humans. The third and final level is called Zika Mosquito, which is the most difficult level. Zika virus can cause disease in humans, including small head syndrome. The game’s objective is to burn and kill the mosquitoes before they bite the player.

Despite its entertainment nature, Beat Mosquito delivers an important message to players about the dangers of certain mosquito species.