
by Ruokavirasto for Android 13.0

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Vipu-mobiili: A Useful Tool for Farmers and Administrators

Vipu-mobiili is an application designed for farmers and administrators to exchange information. The app allows you to monitor compliance with subsidy conditions on your farm’s growth blocks and plan actions to be taken on those blocks. As the primary farmer on the farm, you can use the app after logging in with any bank credentials or mobile certificate.

With Vipu-mobiili, you can:

  • Payment Information – Check the realized payment situation for the farm for each year sincePayments are presented as a sum per payment day for the selected year. In addition, a detailed breakdown of payment contents by subsidy type is presented, including any recoveries or pledges.
  • Respond to a Request for Clarification – A supervisor can create a clarification request on-site during field monitoring if deficiencies in meeting subsidy conditions are identified. Implement the required actions and verify the matter with the app by including 1-2 photos of the growth block indicated by the administration. Based on the response, the need for a follow-up visit will be evaluated.

Vipu-mobiili requests permission to access your location to ensure that the photo attached to the response to the clarification request was taken from the growth block indicated by the administration. It also requires permission to use your camera to take the necessary photos for the clarification request.