BA Plus Pro Financial Calculat APK

by Jack Yu于 for Android 13.0

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BA Plus Pro Financial Calculator: A Comprehensive Finance Calculator App

BA Plus Pro Financial Calculator is a free, ad-free, and privilege-free finance calculator app that is compatible with Android 9.0. Developed by Jack Yu于, this app is designed to provide financial calculations such as time-value-of-money, amortization schedule, and cash flow, among others. This app has the same usage and operational sequences with the BA II Plus Professional Financial Calculator.

BA Plus Pro Financial Calculator also supports scientific calculations such as algebraic operating system (AOS) and chain calculation method (Chn). It offers a set of financial calculations such as TVM, bond calculations, depreciation calculations, statistics analysis, and more. The app supports degrees and radians of the Angle Units and dates format and number separators format of USA and European.

Whether you need to calculate a bond price, a profit margin, or a breakeven, this app has got you covered. It also includes 10 memories for storage and automatically saves and restores all format settings during app close/start. The app is user-friendly and provides accurate results. Overall, BA Plus Pro Financial Calculator is a comprehensive finance calculator app that is worth checking out.