Insects Prank

by 1A1A Games for Android 13.0

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Insects Prank: Realistic Bug Simulation App

Insects Prank is a free Android app developed by 1A1A Games in the Lifestyle category. This app allows you to add realistic bionic simulation insects on your screen to prank your friends and family. The app is committed to providing high-realistic bug simulation interaction, which brings an unprecedented experience.

The app allows you to add multiple bugs on the same screen, and you can even turn on the water effect to bring a different screen. Insects Prank also supports local video as a background and uses the camera as a background image to interact with reality. The app includes a variety of bugs such as bees, dragonflies, flies, mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches, snakes, and water.

Overall, Insects Prank is an entertaining app that provides a realistic bug simulation experience. It is a great way to prank your friends and family and have some fun. However, it is important to note that this app is not suitable for people who have a phobia of insects.