
by Perspectiveedge for Windows NT

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Free Software for Data Users

QuikGrid is a special extension for Google Chrome that makes it possible for users to create a 2D or 3D grid from a set of scattered data. This can be used for a wide range of different types of applications both professionally and recreationally and helps users to transform data so that it comes to life and can be understood more easily.

Plotting the Right Points

One of the great things about QuikGrid is that the tool works smoothly and it is easy enough for even people who have basic computer skills to get to grips with. Users are given a wide range of different tools at their fingertips and most people will find that they are able to get to work straight away. However, QuikGrid also comes with a handy tutorial to help point users in the right direction if they need assistance.

Time to Get Plotting

Anyone who has a thirst for knowledge and needs an easy way to plot information should make sure that they check out QuikGrid. While the tool is completely free to use and runs smoothly, it should be noted that it only works with Google Chrome and Windows and Apple users will need to search for another solution to their data plotting problems. It should also be noted that anyone who has a version of Windows more recent that Windows 95 may experience issues with the programme.

QuikGrid is a program which will read in a set of scattered data points (x, y, z) which represents a surface. The program will generate a grid from this data and then display the surface as a contour map, or as a 3d representation. The left mouse button may be used to zoom in and pan about the display. The right mouse button may be used to display information about the generated grid coordinates and data points.

A 200 by 200 grid representing 15,000 data points may be gridded in less than 3 seconds on a 500 Mhz Pentium (actual generation times may vary depending on how the points are distributed). The grid may be displayed as a wire frame or as a hidden surface grid, optionally with colours.

The grid and contour lines may be output as a DXF file. The generated grid may be output to a file as a series of XYZ triplets, in the DXF 3DFACE format or as an ER Mapper Raster Dataset. QuikGrid may be used to view 1-degree USGS DEM files.