시민과 함께하는 Map4Safety안전맵핑

by 행정안전부 for Android 13.0

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시민과 함께하는 Map4Safety안전맵핑

시민과 함께하는 Map4Safety안전맵핑 is a lifestyle application available on Android. Developed by 행정안전부, this free app allows citizens to discover and share safety factors, hazards, and other life information through a community-based safety mapping platform.

With 안전맵핑, community members can collect and share information on specific social issues, local news, community information, safety tips, and risk factors on a map. The platform encourages users to collaborate and engage with shared interests or objectives, fostering a sense of community and promoting safety awareness.

The app is planned by 국립재난안전연구원 (National Disaster Safety Research Institute) and produced by (주)엔유비즈 (NUBIZ).

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