Ciigoo Afaan Oromoo Idioms

by OromNet Software and Application Development for Android 13.0

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Ciigoo Afaan Oromoo Idioms Review

Ciigoo Afaan Oromoo Idioms is an Android app developed by OromNet Software and Application Development. It is a free lifestyle app that allows users to explore the world of Oromo idioms. Ciigoos are short idioms or long phrases that carry two messages, a direct message called Sorgoo and a secret message called Sookoo. The app contains a collection of commonly known Ciigoos that users can enjoy reading.

Ciigoos are usually expressed in the form of poetry, monologue, dialogue, or long phrases and have been used by Oromos for centuries to express various social issues. The app provides users with an opportunity to try and crack down the mysterious or obscure meaning of Ciigoos, which requires finding the double word or “jecha dachaa” and understanding the social context of the Ciigoo.

Overall, Ciigoo Afaan Oromoo Idioms is an interesting app for those interested in exploring the world of Oromo idioms and trying to decipher their meaning. The app is easy to use and contains a good collection of Ciigoos for users to enjoy.