PuTTY Portable

by Chiark for Windows 7

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A free telnet and SSH client for Windows

PuTTY Portable is a free, lightweight telnet and SSH client-server for Windows and Unix that you can use to hold a remote session. You can run the program from a USB stick, cloud folder, or local folder without having to install it into Windows. PuTTY Portable also supports Rlogin and SUPDUP network protocols.

What is PuTTY portable?

PuTTY Portable is a completely free and open-source program that lets you connect remotely using Telnet, SSH, Rlogin, and SUPDUP network protocols. These are the protocols required to run a session remotely on a computer. PuTTY Portable works by connecting to the target machine and opening a window that lets you type commands that will work on the other computer. 

This means you can remotely connect to computers located elsewhere and input commands into its console as if you were sitting next to it. 

Why is PuTTY used?

There are many reasons why IT professionals and regular computer users take advantage of PuTTY Portable. The most common reason is that it lets IT Administrators take full control of the machine and use it remotely. This can be useful when the IT team sits far away from the target computer, such as on another floor or even in another city. 

PuTTY also lets you transfer files securely. The SSH protocol was initially developed to be an encrypted replacement for RSH. Due to network security becoming a major concern, it’s strongly advisable to use an encrypted protocol when possible. By connecting to the target machine with an SSH client like PuTTY Portable, your connection is secure and encrypted. This means any files and login information are also encrypted. 

Is PuTTY safe to download?

You’ll want to make sure to only download PuTTY Portable from a legitimate website. The official program is safe to use, and because it’s an executable file (.exe), it doesn’t need to be installed to work. 

Unfortunately, though, hackers and those with malicious intent can trick people into downloading a malware version to steal data or infect their computer with viruses. 

How do I run PuTTY without installing it?

All you need to do is download the Putty.exe file for the version of Windows you’re using, and run the file by clicking on it (or double-clicking on it). The file will open and run automatically. 

If the downloaded file is in .zip format, you’ll need to unzip it first. To successfully connect to any server, you’ll need the correct login credentials. Without them, you won’t be able to communicate in any way. 

How do I create a session log file in PuTTY?

Creating a log lets you save everything that appears on your screen. You may need to create and save a log file for various reasons, like assisting with diagnosing an issue such as an unknown error or bug. 

To create a log of your session, you’ll need to open the system menu, select ‘Change Settings, and navigate to the Logging Panel. Here you’ll have to input a name for your log file and choose which logging mode you need, like just the printable text or all session output, including the terminal control sequences. 

Then, you’ll want to click on ‘Apply,’ so your log will begin recording. To halt your log, you just head back to the Logging panel and select ‘Logging turned off completely’. This will cause PuTTY to close your log file. 

What are the PuTTY Portable alternatives?

PuTTY Portable is one of the most well-known SSH clients and a primary choice for many IT professionals. However, there are alternatives that offer similar features. For a small fee, some other options grant you the ability to manage servers over SSH remotely. 

KiTTY is a fork from PuTTY version 0.67 with the addition of several features like a session filter, automatic passwords, session launcher, Zomdem Integrations, and more. KiTTY is ideal for users who enjoyed the simplicity of PuTTY Portable but would appreciate extra functions for convenience. 

MobaXterm is an excellent tool to remotely access servers. It comes in two different versions: a free version and paid professional edition. Both versions give you access to functions like full X-server and SSH Support, remote terminal, remote desktop, automatic SFTP browser, and plugin support. But unless you pay for the professional edition, you won’t be able to modify your profile scripts and master password support. Also, the number of sessions, SSH Tunnels, and Macros you can run are quite limited.  

Finally, mRemoteNG is a great tool for power users, especially if you need to manage a substantial number of connections. With mRemoteNG, you can view and control all of your remote connections in a tabbed display and create individual profiles for each connection to easily oversee them. If you find yourself only managing a few connections, you may find this tool overkill. 

The leading SSH and Telnet client 

PuTTY Portable is a relatively simple tool that doesn’t require any installation. All you need to do is download the executable file and save it on your computer or an external drive like a USB stick, execute it, and the program will start. 

PuTTY Portable does an excellent job if you want to connect remotely to another computer using SSH or Telnet protocols. It has a small number of features, like the included xterm terminal emulator. While there are alternative SSH and Telnet clients available, many of their extra components are not needed or are locked behind a paywall. 

One of PuTTY Portable’s biggest drawbacks is it does not remember any password data or login credentials. But anyone who is concerned with security will tell you that’s the best way to remain secure. If your device is compromised in any way, the attacker could gain access to any remote connections you currently have or have made in the past. 

If you need to control a computer via a secure connection like SSH remotely, PuTTY Portable is more than up to the task. 

PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.

It’s great for those that need to connect to a remote computer on the move. Note that the use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink may be illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed.