Methodist Hymn Lyrics

by Samuel Jocelyn for iOS 16.4

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Enhance Your Worship with Methodist Hymn Lyrics

Methodist Hymn Lyrics is a free iPhone app designed to enhance your worship service and devotion to the Lord. Developed by Samuel Jocelyn, this app provides access to the public domain version of the Wesleyan Methodist hymn lyrics, as well as other Methodist hymn books.

With easy navigation, you can quickly find the lyrics to your favorite hymns. The app also allows you to create a list of your favorite songs, making it easy to access them during worship. Additionally, you can send a lyric directly from the app to your email, allowing you to save or share it with others.

Sharing is made simple with the ability to share a lyric title using your favorite social network. This feature allows you to spread the message of the hymns and connect with others who share your love for Methodist music.

Methodist Hymn Lyrics is a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their worship experience. Download this app today and dive deeper into the rich history and meaning behind the hymns of the Methodist tradition.