База – A Mental Health and Self-Help Application for Veterans and Everyone Else
База is an Android application designed to provide educational resources on mental health and self-help exercises, along with useful contacts for veterans and their families. It offers information on anxiety, the effects of mild traumatic brain injury, chronic pain, poor sleep, depression, and intrusive thoughts, as well as tools to work with them.
The app includes a mood tracker, a feature to record thoughts and states, and set reminders. It also allows users to create their own profile with the set of information and tools that interest them.
While “База” is not a substitute for psychotherapy and not a panacea, it is a chance to better understand one’s states and be able to provide primary psychological support.
In particular, the application has a crisis button, the function of which is to help regulate one’s state when feeling overwhelmed.
Moreover, “База” allows users to remain anonymous if they wish. It offers the possibility of leaving information about oneself only upon the user’s discretion.
Although the target audience of the application is veterans and their families, anyone can use it. The educational materials and tools in the app remain relevant to all users.
The project was made possible by the Veterans’ Reintegration Program of IREX.