Football Quiz – players clubs

by BOLD CAT for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by BOLD CAT.

There are several game modes. You can play either online or offline. About 1000 questions (football players, clubs, puzzles, stadiums, captains, and facts). Duel mode allows you to compete against other players. Enter online elimination tournaments. The greatest of the best continue to play. Compete against other gamers from around the world. Get the highest possible ranking!


Identify the soccer player from a photograph. 1 image and 4 response options

Determine the club’s logo. More than 100 club logos

Determine the year the club was established. Difficult questions

Determine the football player using a riddle.

Determine the captain of the club.

Determine the club’s uniform. 

Determine the main club uniform from a photo 

Identify the club’s stadium