Personal Software Inspector

by Secunia for Windows XP

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Correct security vulnerabilities on your PC

Personal Software Inspector is a free, all-in-one program to help discover security vulnerabilities on your computer and solve them quickly, saving you from possible viruses and infections in the future.

The Personal Software Inspector interface is plain, but comes in two modes – simple and advanced. Another feature that might help beginners is the Show only “Easy-To-Patch” programs option, although the developers don’t recommend using it.

Personal Software Inspector works by scanning your computer and finding any vulnerabilities (such as out-of-date programs and missing security patches) that might make your computer an easier target for hackers, viruses and other problems. Once the app has found them, it lists them and provides a solution.

In the Simple mode, Personal Software Inspector automatically downloads the update or patch needed. In the Advanced mode, you’ll have more options, including fuller details on the problems Personal Software Inspector finds and specific information on End-of-Life programs and your browsers.

Personal Software Inspector makes a great addition to any user’s security plan.