Teal – Free Job Search & Contacts Tracker

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Teal – The Tool You Need to Find the Perfect Job

What are you doing today?

What about tomorrow?

You are an important part of what’s going on in the world. You make a contribution every day.

The way you live, the products you use, the decisions you make.

When you’re job hunting, you’re not just looking for the perfect job. You’re looking for the right job for you.

Teal is the tool you need to find that job, with its smart job hunting and resume building features.

How do you work?

Teal saves jobs and companies for you. No more logging in and out of sites or managing multiple accounts.

You can also save companies for later so you don’t lose track of the opportunities you’re interested in.

You can connect with all your job contacts from LinkedIn or your other favorite networking sites.

Teal also keeps track of the jobs you’ve followed up on and the messages you’ve sent and received.

And you can even save the most interesting jobs or companies so you don’t miss the next opportunity you’re interested in.

With Teal, you’ll never miss a follow-up, because you can schedule your follow-ups for later. You can also set a follow-up and a follow-up reminder.

Once you’ve found a job you’re interested in, you can set up your resume to highlight the skills you’ve got.