Logic Gate Simulator APK

by raincontinues for Android 9.0

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Logic Gate Simulator for Android: Digital Logic Circuit Simulation and Schematics

Logic Gate Simulator for Android is an excellent tool for students and teachers who want to learn how digital logic circuits work. This application allows users to build and simulate digital circuits right in their hands. It comes with several features such as logic gates, buttons, lamps, and flip-flops. The logic gates include AND, OR, NAND, NOT, NOR, XOR, and XNOR. The buttons include toggle switch and push button. The lamps include red, green, and blue, as well as 7-segment displays. The flip-flops include SR Flip-Flop, JK Flip-Flop, D Flip-Flop, and T Flip-Flop.

With its simple and easy-to-use interface, Logic Gate Simulator is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to create and simulate digital circuits. It is a great educational tool that is suitable for students of all levels. The application is free to use and available on the Android platform.

Overall, Logic Gate Simulator for Android is a valuable tool for students and teachers who want to learn and teach digital logic circuits. It is a user-friendly and efficient application that comes with a wide range of features.