ISS Detector Satellite Tracker

by RunaR for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by RunaR.

ISS Detector is a free, simple, and easy-to-use app that lets you track the International Space Station. It’s the best way to find out when and where the ISS is visible.

This app also includes many other objects that you can easily track, such as the Moon, the Sun, and even the Earth.

You can easily see the current location of the ISS, and it’s also possible to track its location over time. You can see when it’s currently above your location, and you can also see its current speed.

You can set an alert for a specific object, and you will receive a notification when the object is above your location.

The app also includes many other options, such as the ability to add an image of the object you’re tracking to your location.