Helicopter Race

by GlobeWish for Android 9.0

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Helicopter Race: The 3D Racing Game for Helicopter Pilots

Helicopter Race is a 3D racing game developed by GlobeWish for Android 9.0. This game offers the unique experience of racing with helicopters, allowing users to learn about the control mechanisms of these aircraft while gradually improving their skills to become an expert pilot.

The game features incredible physics that make the experience even more realistic. The race will take you through a path of up-down and left-right movements, with buildings on both sides of the track. It’s a thrilling experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

It’s important to note that this game is based on real helicopter mechanics, so it’s strongly recommended to have some basic knowledge of how helicopters work before playing. If you’re up for the challenge, Helicopter Race is definitely worth a try!