Lyrics Plugin for Windows Media Player

by Lyricsplugin for Windows 2000

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View lyrics when you play songs in Windows Media Player

If you’re someone who listens to your music collection in Windows Media Player then now, thanks to Lyrics Plugin for Windows Media Player you can enjoy the words to your songs within the player as you listen to them.

As long as you’re connected to the Net the program will automatically search for the lyrics and display them in real time.

Unfortunately, probably due to my rather eclectic taste in music, the application failed to provide the words to many of my tracks.

However, there is a neat facility for quickly adding lyrics to a particular song so over time more songs will have lyrics attached to them as people continue to upload them.

Lyrics Plugin is a piece of software tailored for music fans. To put it simply – it is an add-on to view lyrics in WinAmp or Windows Media Player.

No more searching for lyrics. Just start listening to your favourite songs and lyrics will be displayed automatically. Oh, and if lyrics is not found, you can add it yourself.