Lyrics Plugin for Winamp

by Lyricsplugin for Windows 2000

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Your favourite lyrics delivered to Winamp

The best way to get more out of your music is the learn the lyrics. Lyrics Plugin for Winamp helps you do this by automatically recalling the lyrics to the songs you are playing. There are a few such programs around and the usual problem is that they often don’t display the right lyrics. What I like about this particular program is that it allows you to put lyrics into the database if the song you are listening to doesn’t display any or show the right ones. Because this is a new program, the database is still being built so the lyrics are very hit and miss but it works pretty well.

However, in future it would be nice if they added the possibility to give suggestions when the exact title lyric isn’t found in the database. I also found that when listening to streaming audio, tjhe program shows the lyrics to the right bands but the wrong songs! However, for a fledgling project, this has a lot more promise than similar ones and it’s strength lies in drawing on the knowledge of it’s users.

Lyrics Plugin is a piece of software tailored for music fans. To put it simply – it is an add-on to view lyrics as WinAmp plays your favourite tunes.

No more searching for lyrics. Just start listening to your favourite songs and lyrics will be displayed automatically.