Hesbania Helpdesk

by Hesbania Developer for

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Hesbania Helpdesk: Quick and Easy Ticket Creation

Hesbania Helpdesk is a Chrome extension that provides a fast way to create tickets in the Hesbania helpdesk. With just a single click on the extension’s icon, users can access our helpdesk website and create a ticket for any ICT-related issues they may have. This extension is specifically designed for teachers in the Hesbania scholengroep, allowing them to easily navigate to our ticketing system without the need to remember the link.

The main function of the Hesbania Helpdesk extension is to display the logo of our scholengroep in the top right corner of the Chrome browser’s extensions menu. When users click on the logo, they are redirected to the ticket creation page in our ticketing system. This streamlined process eliminates the hassle of manually entering the URL and provides a convenient way for teachers to seek assistance for their ICT queries.

Overall, Hesbania Helpdesk simplifies the ticket creation process for teachers by offering a direct and easily accessible link to the Hesbania helpdesk. By reducing the number of steps required, this extension enhances efficiency and ensures that teachers can quickly submit their ICT-related questions or issues.