Zaldo – NFC bip card balance

by ralabz for Android 13.0

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Zaldo – NFC bip card balance

Zaldo is an Android app developed by ralabz that allows you to check your bip! card balance in real-time using the NFC reader on your smartphone. This app is compatible with bip and TNE public transport cards issued in Chile. With Zaldo, you can access essential information about your transport card, including the last three trips made, the last three balance top-ups, the current Metro fare, and the number of rides available based on your balance.

Zaldo is a free app that does not record any personal data. The card reading is done locally on your device, and you can send your comments and bug reports to The app is straightforward to use, and the information provided is accurate and up-to-date. Overall, Zaldo is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to keep track of their transport card balance and usage.