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Readability Quizzes for Challenging Kanji Characters

Are you embarrassed when you come across kanji characters that you can’t read? With the “読めないと恥ずかしい漢字2023” app, you can improve your vocabulary and reading skills by solving quizzes on 1200 challenging kanji characters.

From zodiac signs to seasonal words, this app covers a wide range of kanji characters that are often difficult to read. Not only can you test your knowledge of their readings, but you can also check their meanings. By using this app, you can enhance your understanding of kanji and avoid the embarrassment of not being able to read them.

Developed by Flipout LLC, “読めないと恥ずかしい漢字2023” is completely free to download and use. Take advantage of this app to expand your vocabulary and become more confident in reading challenging kanji characters.