에스라 성경 – 개역한글NIV 성경 바이블 APK

by DangoSoft Labs. for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by DangoSoft Labs..

The Bible app for Android devices is designed to make the Bible study experience easier and more enjoyable. This app is easy to use and is designed to let you quickly find what you are looking for in the Bible. You can search through different Bible sections such as the Old Testament or the New Testament.

The app has multiple sections so that you can easily find what you are looking for. It also has different themes so that you can find the topic that you are interested in. For example, it has themes related to the Old Testament or the New Testament. It also has different topics such as the role of women, the role of the mob, or the mob and the police.

The app is designed to let you easily find what you are looking for in the Bible.