Barcelona Metro Map Routing

by Mapway for Android 9.0

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Find the Right Direction With Barcelona Metro Map & Routing

Now you can travel on public transport in Barcelona and the Madrid area easily and securely with a single tap!

Barcelona Metro Map & Routing is a free and simple app for anyone who wants to know how to move in the city of Barcelona.

It’s the world’s number one public transport app for people living in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, Chicago, or New York.

Barcelona Metro Map & Routing helps you plan your trips in advance, check out our schedule and route, or just tap the “Plan” button.

There are two versions of Barcelona Metro Map & Routing:

The free version:

All maps are free of charge.

The paid version:

A premium subscription lets you navigate the app without any ads.

You can also now use this map on Android 8.0 or above.

This is a map of the TMB Metro in Barcelona, it is not the official TMB website.

How to use:

To open the app, tap on the “Start” option, then tap on the “Maps” option.

Tap on “Subscribe” to get access to the “pro” version of the app.

Once you have installed the app, you need to do the following steps:

Go to the “Home” option, tap on “Add”, enter your phone number, and select the number you want to register with.

We will then send you a confirmation code, you must enter it to confirm the registration.