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The CoCites Browser Extension for PubMed

The CoCites browser extension for PubMed is a simple way to search the scientific literature, and to quickly view which articles are frequently cited together. This tool makes it easy for the user to find the latest and most relevant scientific literature in any topic.

Why is it useful?

There are many articles that are frequently cited together. In this case, the most likely reason is that they address the same topic or have a common background. However, not only articles written by the same author are frequently cited together. Many articles are frequently cited together because they are written about the same topic. For example, an article that is about “X” and another article that is about “Y” are both related to “X”, but they also frequently cite each other. This means that you can easily see the scientific research that addresses the same topic, whether or not it is written by the same author.

The CoCites tool finds articles that are frequently cited together and presents a ranking of the most frequently cited articles. The results are presented in a simplified manner and you can easily access the full-text.

If you want to try the extension, you can read the terms of service, then install the extension, and it is ready to use.

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