Learn Russian Phrasebook

by L-Lingo for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by L-Lingo.

Learn Russian is an easy-to-use mobile application that allows you to learn the Russian language. It has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to learn Russian quickly and effectively.

The application consists of two main parts. The first part is the phrasebook. The second part is the vocabulary trainer.

The first part contains over 3,500 Russian phrases and words. It is divided into four categories: travel, food, sightseeing, and shops.

The second part contains the vocabulary trainer. It allows you to practice the words that you have learned. It is divided into four categories: people, places, food, and drinks.

You can choose to practice the words and phrases in the app or in the browser.

You can practice the words and phrases by reading the sentences that you have written.

You can use the app on your mobile device.