Hiro is a Free and Open Source Collaboration Tool for Instant Messaging
Hiro is a free and open source collaboration tool for instant messaging. It helps you create and share meaningful text snippets and to capture and share the information that you find in books, news articles, or websites.
The best thing is that all of these things are done without limits. You can use it to store any information that you need to remember. Even though the main focus of the tool is on short messages, it can store any text that you need to save.
If you’re using it for business, you can add all of your files that are related to the project. You can also easily save notes for reference purposes and to have an extra source to check for more information. In addition, it can also be used as an organizer. It has a folder system, so you can easily find the file that you want to edit.
Create new message: you can create a new text message for you. It will be a normal text, but the content is not limited to only a few words. You can add the same message to all your devices. This is useful when you want to share a link or a task with everyone.
Save notes: your notes are stored within the project and you can have a folder. In this folder, you can store your notes. It’s very simple to save notes for reference purposes and to keep track of things that you need to remember.
Save image: if you want to make a quick and dirty memo, you can make a picture for it.