DMMポイントクラブ – DMMポイントを管理するアプリ

by LLC for iOS 16.4

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DMMポイントクラブ – Efficient Management of DMM Points

DMMポイントクラブ is an iPhone app that allows users to efficiently manage their DMM points. The app enables users to check their DMM point and TV coin balance, usage history, and expiration dates. The app also includes a graph to track points earned and points expired sinceThe app is programmed to send push notifications or in-app messages when points are about to expire. The app also offers daily opportunities to earn points through monthly missions, video ads, and other special events. Users can purchase products using the points they have earned, and the app offers information about DMM‘s sales and campaigns. The app offers several options to charge DMM points, including credit card, convenience store payments, BitCash, and WebMoney. The app offers an easy and efficient way to manage and use DMM points.