Notify Bubble APK

by PransuInc for Android 13.0

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Notify Bubble: Convenient Notification Management

Notify Bubble is a free Android application developed by PransuInc that allows users to manage notifications in a unique and convenient way. With Notify Bubble, incoming notifications are displayed in a bubble, and the notification content is shown in a popup window with a direct reply facility.

One of the key features of Notify Bubble is the ability to customize the color of both the popup window and the bubble. This allows users to personalize their notification management experience to their liking. In addition, tapping on the bubble opens the popup window, which shows the notification content and offers a direct reply facility. The app also supports lockscreen visibility for both the bubble and popup window.

It’s important to note that Notify Bubble does not store any personal data and runs completely offline. The app only uses an internet connection to display advertisements. Notify Bubble requires the following permissions: INTERNET to display advertisements, SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW to display popup windows on the device, and VIBRATE to vibrate the device when removing the popup window.

Overall, Notify Bubble is a convenient and customizable way to manage notifications on your Android device.