Hashcash Mint

by Russtopia Labs for

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Hashcash Mint – The Best Way to Personalize Your Email

In our world of over-connected, over-packaged, over-complicated email, many people are suffering from a lack of personalization, and are therefore getting much of the same email from different sources and in different formats.

Hashcash Mint is a free, lightweight and secure Chrome extension that allows you to create and mint Hashcash email stamps in order to personalize your email.

After installing the extension, you will be presented with a small menu that allows you to select your preferred Hashcash hash method and enter a few parameters for your email template. Your stamp will be generated in the background of your browser and is ready to use.

Once the process is complete, your email will be updated with a little message. It will tell you that the Hashcash stamp is now valid. You can now take it and paste it into your outgoing email.

Note that a Hashcash stamp is valid for a certain number of seconds and it is considered expired once this time has elapsed. This means that it is possible to schedule your next stamp in advance. You can also mark the stamps as unread so that you can track them more easily.

Hashcash Mint is the best way to send personal email templates and newsletters.