PLAYMOBIL Adventures of Ayuma – A Magical Adventure in the Fairy Forest
PLAYMOBIL Adventures of Ayuma is an Android game developed by geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co.KG. It is a free adventure game set in the magical world of Ayuma. The game revolves around the fairies and their quest to defend the magic crystals and the fairy forest from the Bat Fairies, who have returned and are on a mission to steal the crystals.
In the game, you will help the fairies complete numerous quests and care for the animals of the forest. You will also collect fairy dust, flowers, and mushrooms to progress through the game and unlock new features. As you gain more experience, you will be able to explore more places in the Ayuma product world, including the ancient Tree of Wisdom, the Community Tree, and the Fairy Hut. The game also features small games and puzzles that are full of secrets and dangers. Ayuma on your smartphone is a magical experience that you don’t want to miss!