
by Gota Media AB for Android 13.0

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MinBarometern: Simplify and Enhance Your News Experience

MinBarometern is an Android app developed by Gota Media AB that aims to simplify and enhance your news consumption. With this app, you can have a tailored and updated news feed based on your interests, as well as a comprehensive summary of the day’s most important events.

The app consists of two main sections: Toppnyheter (Top News) and Mina val (My Choices).

In the Toppnyheter section, you will find a news feed that closely resembles what you are accustomed to on news websites. It provides you with the latest and most relevant news curated by the app’s editorial team.

Under the Mina val section, you have the freedom to choose the content you want to see in your news feed. You can select based on geography and interests, and also opt to receive push notifications whenever news is published in the topics you have chosen.

Download the app and give it a try! We are confident that you will discover a better, simpler, and more relevant way to read the news.