Big Win Football

by Hothead Games for Android 3.1

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Card-based football

Big Win Football is a card-based sports game.

You do not directly control any of the action in Big Win Football, since the game uses A.I. to determine how your team works. Add in cards that have different attributes, like no injuries or stronger defense, to help your team.

Supported through in-app purchases for money or winning after a game, you purchase card packs that either have player stat boosts or different gameplay tweaks. These may not even help during the game, but they could help you get the last touchdown.

Big Win Football’s graphics are cartoony and fun for kids, but a true sports fan will be disappointed. Playing online opponents is fun, but it would be nice to be able to play against select friends. Big Win Football’s game modes are all similar, they just determine the amount of time played, though you are able to skip to the end of the game to see the results.

Big Win Football is a different gameplay take on sports games, but the lack of control is kind of disappointing.