Smart Spidey Trial

by Smartspidey for Windows 2000

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Do you have a JSP, PHP or ASP website? Then you can use Smart Spidey to build search engine for your website. For PHP and JSP websites Smart Spidey uses Mysql Database to store indexed data and it uses Microsoft’s Access Database for ASP websites.

How does Smart Spidey work?

  • Smart Spidey has a built-in automatic web crawler which reads all the files of your website then stores it in a Database
  • After storing all the data it builds a search script for your web site. DONE
  • You also get a lot of options to configure the website for your convenience. You get full control over the output script display and behaviors


  • Supports MYSQL and Microsoft Access Database
  • Supports ASP, PHP as well as JSP
  • Creates scripts automatically
  • Configurable Entry Points, Scripting Languages Options
  • File Extension Ignoring capability
  • URL and Word Ignoring capability
  • Full Control over the web output. Look and feel customization