Chitralekha Gujarati APK

by Magzter Inc. for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by Magzter Inc..

Chitralekha Gujarati – Gujarat’s premier Gujarati language magazine, Chitralekha is the oldest Gujarati language publication in India. Founded by renowned journalist and author, Vaju Kotak, Chitralekha is an innovative and progressive magazine that provides in-depth coverage of events in the Gujarati language and across the world.

The magazine provides in-depth coverage of major events in the Gujarati language and in the world. Chitralekha provides a platform for the youth of India to express their views and ideas on a wide range of current events and issues. The magazine is a trusted source of information for all lifestyle products in India, ensuring the advertisers a massive return on their investments.

The magazine’s editorial team strives to dig beneath the covers of stories to put forth to its readers in an unbiased and impartial manner. The magazine has thus become a trusted source of privileged information and is credited with inspiring journalism.