Share Split Group Expenses

by SR Group for Android 9.0

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Share & Split Group Expenses: A Convenient Way to Track Group Expenses

Share & Split Group Expenses is a user-friendly Android app that allows you to track shared expenses with ease. It is ideal for events like traveling, hangouts, or entertainment with friends, cousins, or neighbors. With this app, users can add group expenses, split them by equal amount, unequal amount, percentage-wise or share-wise, and add one-to-one payments for the group.

The app shows all the friends in the group with their owe amount for the expenses. It also provides a view of the expenses, payments, and benefits of each friend. Furthermore, it suggests payments to settle up the expenses of the group. Users can view the total expenditure pie-chart for the group, which helps them see the expense share of each friend in the group. Additionally, the app shows a summary report for all expenses and payments that can be printed or exported to an Excel file.

Users can invite their friends to join the group and allow them to add, update, and delete friends, expenses, and payments for the group. Overall, Share & Split Group Expenses is a convenient way to track group expenses and settle payments with friends, without the hassle of manual calculations.