h Find The Differences 1

by Vardan Grigoryan for Windows 10

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Side-by-Side Image Comparison Game for Personal Computers

Do you believe that you have a keen eye for detail? If you are confident in these skills, this image comparison game could represent the perfect way to pass the time.

A Simple and Straightforward Layout

h Find The Differences 1 will require no previous experience to play. As you might have already guessed, the main purpose is to compare two images which are nearly identical. There are some slight differences and you will need to highlight these disparities in order to move on to the next level. There are a certain number of tasks on each stage and some are much more challenging than others. Unlike similar games, this platform is able to work in conjunction with some VR headsets.

Beautiful and Entrancing Images

h Find The Differences 1 provides the player with stunningly striking real-world images. These are all highly detailed and they are presented in a fashion similar to a photo album. This is a single-player game and those who achieve very high scores can share their results with a leader board.