Logopédia 2: precvičovanie výs

by PMQ SOFTWARE for Android 13.0

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Logopédia 2: Speech Therapy App for Children

Logopédia 2 is a free speech therapy application designed for children who need to learn correct pronunciation and expand their vocabulary. The app is ideal for parents, educators, and speech therapists who want to help children develop communication skills. It offers practice in pronunciation of sounds in words and sentences, including 20 voices for practice such as C, Č, D, Ď, F, G, CH, K, L, Ľ, N, Ň, R, S, Š, T, Ť, V, Z, Ž, along with alternation of CSZ and ČŠŽ hisses, alternation of soft and hard sounds ŤĎŇ and TDN.

This app is a fun way for children to practice their pronunciation while expanding their vocabulary. It allows children to record their voices and correct their pronunciation if they make any mistakes. The app is also designed to be used at home by parents and children or in speech therapy clinics and kindergartens. Developed in collaboration with clinical speech therapist PaedDr. Viera Kerekešová, Logopédia 2 is an excellent tool for anyone involved in the development of communication skills in children.