Yet Another Time Synchronizer (YATS32)

by Dillobits for Windows 98 SE

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Update your system clock with the correct time

Updated world-wide time server directoryEnhanced error diagnostics


  • Updated world-wide time server directoryEnhanced error diagnostics

YATS32 will eliminate your problems with drifting and inaccurate system time. Never again will you need to manually adjust your computer’s clock. The application lets you reliably and automatically set your system clock to any of a number of time services available via the Internet or your corporate intranet.

It supports multiple servers and time service protocols such as SNTP, TIME, and Unix Time. You can set up a list of servers that will be polled sequentially until a valid time stamp is obtained. This allows the provisioning of one or more backup servers should your primary choice fail. Several advanced features are provided for customization and automation.