Handy Recovery

by SoftLogica for Windows 2000

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Recover files from your computer, memory card or external harddrive

We’ve all felt that sinking sensation when we realize we’ve accidentally deleted an important file, or reformatted a drive that still had information on it. Although it’s not guaranteed, programs like Handy Recovery can increase your chances of being able to recover your lost files, so don’t panic!

When you install Handy Recovery, the first window you’ll see will ask you to select the drives from which you want to recover the file. Then you’ll need to hit Analyze and specify the type of file it is. Depending on the parameters, the search can take a while, but the files found will show up as the search progresses, so at least you’ll be able to see and stop it if Handy Recovery finds the file you want.

Handy Recovery includes a preview window, which is very useful for identifying files, as well as some search and filter functions, which are great for sorting the recovered files you don’t want to keep. It also analyzes the chances that you’ll be able to recover any given file, which is a nice touch. Luckily, Handy Recovery comes with a clear help guide. This is a great idea, because the app doesn’t provide a wizard and file recovery can be confusing.

File recovery isn’t fun, but at least Handy Recovery makes it easier.